Note taking 2: Notes from browser window
This is the second article in the series on quick note taking using emacs. It shows an easy way of taking a note of the current browser window URL and title under OS X.
- Org agenda with date tree file
- Notes from browser window
- Notes from elfeed entries
I've been using a Mac laptop as my main computer for a few years now, so these instructions work only under OS X.
Interactive approach
I've installed package called org-mac-link that grabs links from open
applications and pastes them to current org-buffer. Running the
command M-x org-mac-grab-link RET
shows a menu of available
applications. An org link from the selected application gets pasted
into your emacs buffer.
Linking to Chrome
After a while having to go through the menu became annoying. I am
using Chrome as my only browser anyway, so I decided to ignore all the
other applications. I can call the Chrome-specific function
I bind it to C-x l l
using a hydra that gives me the mnemonic "Emacs,
launch link".
This is great for situations when I've researched a topic on browser
and have several related tabs open. I use the org capture note defined
in the previous article in this series with C-c c n
, write the title
and add a link for each open tab.
Immediate linking
Again, after some time I noticed this note taking could be streamlined even more. Most of time I want to take a note of just a single web page.
Since the note uses org-capture, it can be called directly from emacs lisp and combined with other commands to build a function that does everything needed.
I've bound the function my/quick-url-note
to global key C-c v
Whenever I read an interesting article in Chrome, I now switch to
emacs, press those keys and my note is stored.
I've recently started using use-package for configuring all my emacs packages. The clarity, scope and compactness of the code below is enough reason:
(use-package org-mac-link :ensure t :if (eq system-type 'darwin) :bind ("C-c v" . my/quick-url-note) :config (defun my/quick-url-note () "Fastest way to capture a web page link" (interactive) (org-capture nil "n") (org-mac-chrome-insert-frontmost-url) (org-capture-finalize)))
Editing the last link
Quite often after adding a note link, I realize that I want to add a few more words of explanation to the note. This is made easier by the function that takes me the end of the latest link.
(defun my/last-captured-org-note () "Move to the end of penultimate line of the last org capture note." (interactive) (find-file "~/Dropbox/org/") (end-of-buffer) (forward-line -2) (org-end-of-line))
I've bind that to C-c z r
using my general purpose goto hydra:
(bind-key "C-c z" 'hydra-goto/body) (defhydra hydra-goto (:color blue :hint nil) " goto file info -------------------------------------- _o_rg last note " ("e" (find-file "~/.emacs.d/")) ("r" my/last-captured-org-note) ("w" (find-file "~/Dropbox/org/")) ("o" org-info))
While the code presented here works only on OS X, it is definitely possible to do the same under Linux. If you want to explore how, here a couple of links that might help:
- Org Capture from External Applications
- org-cliplink, an alternative